Final fantasy 7 perfect game
Final fantasy 7 perfect game

final fantasy 7 perfect game final fantasy 7 perfect game

Despite my cautious skepticism, what we have seen, and played all looks very, very good. Out at E3 2019, I was able to play the Final Fantasy 7 Remake and soak up all the scarce details released thus far. I was, of course, being dramatic and ridiculous. When the remake was announced, I was of the opinion that the experience that I had would be lessened by remaking it, because there’s no way the remake would instill the same type of emotions or experience in an individual the way the original did despite its horrendous graphics.

final fantasy 7 perfect game

Final Fantasy 7 changed everything for me as I accompanied Cloud and his friends on an adventure unlike anything I had ever experienced in any other medium of entertainment. They didn’t have the same life-changing impact that movies, music, theater or television did. Prior to FF7, games were just something fun to do in my off-time. You see, Final Fantasy 7 is the game that I attribute to making me a gamer. I was angry at everyone, who showed even an iota of excitement. When the announcement of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake shattered the 2015 E3, I was not among those losing their minds.

Final fantasy 7 perfect game